BBQ Grill

BBQ Grill will be unlocked at level 9. You can buy it for 730 and it will take 8 hours to build or 29 diamonds. When ready you get 14 experience.

You can make the following products: pancakes, bacon and eggs, hamburger, fish burger, roasted tomatoes, baked potato, fish and chips, lobster skewer, grilled onion, banana pancakes.


BBQ Grill is the sixth machine that is available at level 9. The favourite products are pancakes and roasted tomatoes. Other products are harder to make. The BBQ Grill is small and easy to place nearby walls and decorations. 

The BBQ Grill is Red and when you mastered your BBQ Grill the chassis will get a golden color. At the side you will see the golden star.  

PR-rating: B/1

30min / *** 25min

108 Coinspng /  13 Experiencepng

PR-rating: B/1

1h / *** 51min

201 Coinspng /  24 Experiencepng

PR-rating: B/I

2h / *** 1h42min

180 Coinspng /  22 Experiencepng

PR-rating: C/I

2h / *** 1h42min / 

226 Coinspng /  27 Experiencepng

PR-rating: A/I

1h30min / *** 1h16min

118 Coinspng /  14 Experiencepng

PR-rating: C/2

35min / *** 29min

298 Coinspng /  36 Experiencepng

PR-rating: B/I

1h30min / *** 1h16min

244 Coinspng /  29 Experiencepng

PR-rating: C/I

40min / *** 34min

417 Coinspng /  50 Experiencepng

PR-rating: B/I

1h / *** 51min

190 Coinspng /  23 Experiencepng

PR-rating: C/5

1h / *** 51min 

352 Coinspng /  42 Experiencepng


When you buy the BBQ Grill you will get 2 slots for making your products. Unlocking the third slot will cost you 6 diamonds. Each extra slot will cost you 3 extra diamonds. In total you can buy 7 extra slots for in total 105 diamonds.

The BBQ Grill is not one of the most important production machines. If you have some spare diamonds you can buy 1 or 2 extra slots but maybe you need to wait with that. If you want to earn some coins make bacon and eggs.

Focus Points

  • Bacon and Eggs are easy to make and will get you some coins;
  • If you grow tomatoes during the night you can use them to make roasted tomatoes. These you need for Feta Salad and BLT Salad;
  • Banana Pancakes are easy to make when you are on level 94, pretty profitable.

30 hours


120 hours


480 hours

Bakery  /  Feed Mill  /  Dairy  /  Sugar Mill  /  Popcorn Pot  /  BBQ Grill  /   Pie Oven  /  Loom  /  Sewing Machine  /  Cake Oven

Smelter  /  Juice Press  /  Lure Workbench  /  Ice Cream Maker  /  Net Maker  /  Jam Maker  /  Jeweler

Honey Extractor  /  Coffee Kiosk  /  Lobster Pool  /  Soup Kitchen  /  Candle Maker  /  Flower Shop  /  Duck Salon

Candy Machine  /  Sauce maker  /  Sushi Bar  /  Salad Bar  /  Sandwich Bar  /  Smoothie Mixer  /  Pasta Maker

Hat Maker  /  Pasta Kitchen  /  Hot Dog Stand  /  Taco Kitchen  /  Tea Stand