2h / *** 1h42min
158 / 19
2h / *** 1h42min
158 / 19
When you reach level 15 you can make pumpkin pie. Easy but not fast. 2 hours is a pretty long time.
Ingredients to make it: 3 pumpkins, 2 wheat and 1 eggThe second pie you can make is the pumpkin pie. Again when you look at the ingredients it is very easy to make. Level 14 you can make the carrot pie only difference are the pumpkins instead of the carrots. As always keep eggs on stock. You need eggs for many products. Make enough chicken feed to get eggs form your chickens. Pumpkins and wheat are the most easy ingredients to make. Ok, sorry pumpkins are easy but take some time to grow. Be sure to make some extra pumpkins that will help.
Pumpkin Pie gets a B-rating for do-ability.
When you look frequently in the DD you will find 2 pie's regularly, carrot pie and pumpkin pie. We know now if the carrot pie is profitable, is the pumpkin pie different from the carrot pie?
When you want to make 10 pumpkin pie's you need 30 pumpkins, 20 wheat and 10 eggs. All ingredients are not that difficult, pumpkins take some time to grow and you need to steal the eggs fro your chickens. Selling the pumpkins gives 972 coins and 10 eggs 180 coins. Selling 10 pumpkin pie's will earn you 1584 coins. You need more to make them and the extra profit is not that much.
In fact it makes no difference in selling carrot pie or pumpkin pie only the time to make them. 20 hours for 10 pumpkin pie's and 17 hours when your pie oven is mastered.
Profitability rating is 1.
When items exceed the 1 hour we calculate approx. values. Note that hourly earnings are only the maximum items and under perfect playing conditions. Extra slots can help with that. No ingredients were bought!