Between 5min and 1h30m
144 / 504 / 3 / 10
Between 5min and 1h30m
144 / 504 / 3 / 10
Animal feed is unlocked at different levels. Making it is very important many products need animal products.
5min / *** 4min
7 / 1
10min / *** 8min
14 / 2
20min / *** 17min
14 / 2
30min / *** 25min
14 / 3
40min / *** 34min
14 / 3
1h30min / *** 1h16min
50 / 10
All animal feed is pretty easy to make and when you have the second feeding mill it will me more faster to make more. It helps when you can buy some extra slots with diamonds. Feed making is not that long in the making. Making all feed for your animals is easy and thats why the A-rating for do-ability.
See steps to make it --->
Only making the chicken feed and cow feed is worth the making and selling. Other feed takes longer and it will get you the same price in the RSS. Cow feed takes 10 minutes to make and sells for 144 coins. Making chicken feed takes only 5 minutes but you will get 72 coins for 10 feed. Difference is the crops you need to make it. Maybe you won't expect this but making feed and sell it in your RSS is very profitable. For now it gets a 4-rating. (only chicken and cow feed others are less profitable)
Profit in time --->Note that hourly earnings are a maximum and under perfect playing conditions. Extra slots can help with that.
You need 36 / 45 wheat so you will earn 12 Exp. / 15 Exp.
You need 20 soybean and 10 wheat so you will earn 50 Exp. (10 cow feed)
Note that hourly earnings are a maximum and under perfect playing conditions. Extra slots can help with that.
You need 20 carrot, 10 soybean so you will earn 60 Exp. (10 pig feed)
You need 30 wheat and 10 soybean so you will earn 50 Exp. (10 sheep feed)
Note that hourly earnings are a maximum and under perfect playing conditions. Extra slots can help with that.
You need 20 carrot, 10 corn and 10 wheat so you will earn 60 Exp. (10 goat feed)
Note that hourly earnings are a maximum and under perfect playing conditions. Extra slots can help with that.
You need 750 wheat so you will earn 750 Exp. (10 wheat bundles)
2x Bread
2x Bread
2x Bread
2x Bread
2x Bread
1x Bread
1x Bread
1x Bread
1x Bread