40min / *** 34min
50 / 6
40min / *** 34min
50 / 6
White sugar becomes available at level 13, and the same is with brown sugar you need only have to grow sugarcane. You can make a lot more products with white sugar.
We know now where we can get the best sugarcane to make the sugars. The 30 minute drive is not that bad. We turn on the radio and hear the famous Rose singing about her lovely Ernest. Think she needs some singing lessons but it's not that bad. We arrive almost at Sugar Daddy Kane's farm but we are not driving up the drive way. We don't want to get an arrow in our butt. Sugar Daddy Kane is probably running around in his tights. Yes Robin Hood he thinks he is. This time no shot in the dark, I got my sugarcane. I am really happy so I can make the white sugar. Making white sugar is easy and thats why it gets the A-rating for do-ability.
The same story as with the brown sugar. Simple as it is, it's not worth selling. You better stock it up for making other products. Profitability rating is 1.
Note that hourly earnings are a maximum and under perfect playing conditions. Extra slots can help with that.
1x White Sugar
1x White Sugar
1x White Sugar
1x White Sugar
1x White Sugar
1x White Sugar
1x White Sugar
1x White Sugar
1x White Sugar
1x White Sugar
1x White Sugar
1x White Sugar
1x White Sugar