Quiche oven

Op level 14 krijg je de quiche oven  Deze kost je 2.200 munten en het bouwen duurt 12 uur of 35 diamanten wanneer je niet wilt wachten. Gebouw klaar dan krijg je daarvoor 17 XP.

Volgende producten kan je maken: wortelquiche, pompoentaart, spekquiche, appeltaart, vistaartje, fetataart, ovenschotel, hutspotschotel, citroenvlaai en perziktaart.


De quiche oven is best groot en lomp. Wanneer je wat verder komt binnen Hay Day dan zal je ook merken dat het plaatsen van deze productie machine best nog wel eens lastig is. Vooral in het begin wanneer je nog niet bezig bent met landuitbreidingen. Ook is de machine, zoals een steense oven vaak is, best saai. De producten die je over het algemeen maakt met de quicheoven zijn niet snel klaar. De wortelquiche is één van de producten die de minste tijd vraagt om te maken. ideeën  

Zoals je ziet is de quiche oven gemaakt van rode bakstenen. The pie oven is made from bricks and is coloured red. When the pie oven is mastered you will see some bricks that are changing to a somewhat yellow colour and off course you will see the golden star on the side of the machine.

PR-rating: B/1

1h / *** 51min

82 Coinspng /  10 Experiencepng

PR-rating: B/1

2h / *** 1h42min

158 Coinspng /  19 Experiencepng

PR-rating: B/I

3h / *** 2h33min

219 Coinspng /  26 Experiencepng

PR-rating: C/I

2h30min / *** 2h07min 

270 Coinspng /  32 Experiencepng

PR-rating: A/I

2h / *** 1h42min

226 Coinspng /  27 Experiencepng

PR-rating: C/2

1h30min / *** 1h16min

223 Coinspng /  26 Experiencepng

PR-rating: B/I

2h / *** 1h42min

367 Coinspng /  44 Experiencepng

PR-rating: C/I

1h40min / *** 1h25min

280 Coinspng /  34 Experiencepng

PR-rating: B/I

2h15min / *** 1h54min

446 Coinspng /  53 Experiencepng

PR-rating: C/5

2h30min / *** 2h07min 

435 Coinspng /  52 Experiencepng


When you buy the pie oven you will get 2 slots for making your products. Unlocking the third slot will cost you 6 diamonds. Each extra slot will cost you 3 extra diamonds. In total you can buy 7 extra slots for in total 105 diamonds.

The products you make in the pie oven take some time to make so buying extra slots is not the first thing you need to do. If you have some spare diamonds you can buy 1 or 2 extra slots but maybe you need to wait with that.

Focus Points

  • Carrot pie, pumpkin pie you can make to sell;
  • Apple pie, fish pies, feta pies, casseroles, shepherd's pies, lemon pies and peach tarts are products you make especially for boat and truck orders;
  • You need ingredients to make in other production machines it is important to have them on stock;
  • Downside, mostly all products take a lot of time to make.

40 hours


160 hours


640 hours

Bakery  /  Feed Mill  /  Dairy  /  Sugar Mill  /  Popcorn Pot  /  BBQ Grill  /   Pie Oven  /  Loom  /  Sewing Machine  /  Cake Oven

Smelter  /  Juice Press  /  Lure Workbench  /  Ice Cream Maker  /  Net Maker  /  Jam Maker  /  Jeweler

Honey Extractor  /  Coffee Kiosk  /  Lobster Pool  /  Soup Kitchen  /  Candle Maker  /  Flower Shop  /  Duck Salon

Candy Machine  /  Sauce maker  /  Sushi Bar  /  Salad Bar  /  Sandwich Bar  /  Smoothie Mixer  /  Pasta Maker

Hat Maker  /  Pasta Kitchen  /  Hot Dog Stand  /  Taco Kitchen  /  Tea Stand