Product Revenue Rating-system (do-ability/profitability) (PRRS / PR-rating)
Making coins with less investment, in other words, how profitable is it when I sell these products in my RSS (Roadside Shop). Besides profitability there is also a rating for do-ability. Making easy money is the key! Sometimes you can make a lot of money but is it easy to make? What is the real revenue?We on Hay Day Wiki introduce the Product Revenue Rating-system in short PRRS (in speaking: PRR-system on the website PR-rating)
Every product will get a rating for do-ability and profitability. These two ratings together will give you the revenue. It's not bricked in stone and it will adapt in time. We will ask many to interact and give their opinion about the rating. We want to give you a guideline which product is easy to make and what product is more profitable. How it works we will explain below.
How does it work?
The rating for do-ability is set in 6 categories shown like A (very easy) until F (very hard). The higher the letter the harder to make. For Jellybeans it would be F but for bread it will be A. Jellybeans get a profitability rating of 2.The rating for profitability is also set in 6 categories shown in numbers 1 (less profit) and 6 (most profit). The higher the number the more profit. One product in Hay Day is the most profitable and that is the blanket. It will fit in category 6. When you look at the do-ability it fits in categorie D or E. Necklace is also categorie 6 material but for do-ability it gets a E.
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