5min / *** 4min

21 Coinspng /  3 Experiencepng


Bread is a very easy product to make and you need a lot of it. There are many products that needs it.

Ingredients to make it:   3 wheat

PR-rating: B / 1

Do-ability (A t/m F)

Selling bread in your RSS will get you 216 coins for 10 loaves of bread. Making bread is easy and thats why bread gets the A-rating for do-ability. 

Steps to make it:

  1. Grow wheat on your crop fields (2 minutes);
  2. Make 1 loaf of bread (5 minutes)
Total Time from scratch:
7 minutes for 1 love of bread, every extra love of bread will take 5 minutes longer. When mastered you can save 1 minute for each leave of bread. 

Profitability (1 t/m 6)

Is a loaf of bread profitable? Yes it is, especially when you are on a low level. When you play during the day you can grow enough wheat and make lots of bread. You don't need bread for other products until level 18.  Even when you need bread for other products as the hamburger or fish burger you need 2. Plenty of time to make more for selling. Selling 10 loaves of bread will give you 216 coins. If you do your best you can make 12 loaves of bread in 1 hour. Profitability rating is 1.

Earnings in 60 time:

  • Bakery makes 12 bread in 1 hour = 259 coins (36 Exp.) 
  • Bakery*** makes 15 bread in 1 hour = 324 coins (45 Exp.)  

Note that hourly earnings are a maximum and under perfect playing conditions. Extra slots can help with that.

Products that need bread:

PR-rating: C/3

2x Bread

PR-rating: D/3

2x Bread

PR-rating: C/5

2x Bread

PR-rating: D/5

2x Bread

PR-rating: A/I

PR-rating: A/I

PR-rating: A/I

PR-rating: A/I

1x Bread

PR-rating: A/I

1x Bread

PR-rating: A/I

1x Bread

Truck orders & Boat orders

  • Depending on level boats require 14 to 25 loaves of bread for each crate.
  • When you get a truck order for bread it's probably huge but it will give you easy coins and more Exp.

Other products from the Bakery

Bread - Corn Bread - Cookie - Raspberry Muffin - Blackberry Muffin - Pizza - Spicy Pizza - Potato Bread

Frutti di Mare Pizza - Banana Bread