30min / *** 25min
108 / 13
30min / *** 25min
108 / 13
You can make pancakes at level 9. Very easy and delicious now you only have to look for a nice movie;-)
Making pancakes is not hard but you need 1 important ingredient and that is brown sugar. You need many eggs, so you have to be very active to get the eggs. When coins is not a problem you can buy eggs in the DD (Daily Dirt). When you buy ingredients selling won't be an option anymore. Selling will have a very negative effect on your profit.
In short not as easy making bread but not really that difficult either. For do-ability it gets a B-rating.
You can make pancakes for profit but you need also pancakes in stock for boat and truck orders. When you need to fill a couple of crates it can be up to 5 pancakes for each crate.
When you look at the hard coins it is not bad but is it enough? When you make 10 pancakes you need 30 eggs (3x180 coins) and 10 brown sugar (324 coins). You earn an additional 1080 - (540+324) = 216 coins If you want to sell the pancakes its up to you. Think you need to make some for boat and truck orders and not for selling. Brown sugar is better to use for other products. So for profitability I will give it a 1-rating.
When items exceed the 1 hour we calculate approx. values. Note that hourly earnings are only the maximum items and under perfect playing conditions. Extra slots can help with that.